General Info
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Ice Cancellations
Please check our website and facebook page for all cancellations.
May be done online only through Uplifter. Payment must have been received prior to your first night of skating.
Registration Fees
Fees allow us to purchase ice and hire coaches to provide your child with ice time. This fee also includes an amount to register your child with Skate Canada. Your child will receive a registration number and certificate confirming their registration. As your child advances through the skate programs, their achievements will be kept on file with Skate Canada. This fee also allows Skate Canada to train new coaches and judges and to update the clubs on upcoming events or developments.
Refunds will only be given with a note from a medical professional.
Volunteer Fee (Gold Skaters Only)
Our Gold skaters are required to do 20 hours of volunteering on our CanSkate sessions. Once this requirement has been completed, this fee will be refunded to your credit card. The cut off for the volunteering to be completed is the first of March. If 20 hours of volunteering has not been done by that date, the $150.00 will not be refunded.
Fundraising Fee (All Skaters)
The LSC will be distributing tickets to parents and skaters to sell for the annual Ontario Skaters Promotional Contest. This is a contest run by Skate Ontario, with various Club's selling tickets for the same draw. Each family will receive 2 booklets, that will total $80.00 CAD to be paid upfront to the LSC. Each booklet consists of 20 tickets for our families to sell at $2.00 CAD each, for which, each family will keep their sales. Therefore, if the skaters & their families sell all of their tickets, they will make their $80.00 CAD back. Once all tickets are sold, please return the ticket stubs to LSC to be sent back to Skate Ontario for the draw.
General Rules And Regulations
Code of Conduct: Any behaviour that is discourteous or puts a individual at risk for injury is unacceptable to the club. The LSC club promotes appropriate behaviour and conduct to be displayed by skaters, coaches (on ice and
off ice), executive and officials.
Parent Code of Conduct: Collectively we strive to foster a positive friendly environment for our club. Any behaviours that are discourteous to skaters, coaches, other parents, executive and/or officials are not acceptable.
Any act of solicitation that is related to skating is not acceptable to our club. Any questions or concerns need to be brought to an executive member.
LSC By-laws
In accordance with Skate Ontario, Club By-Laws are the rules, regulations and guiding principles that provide a framework for club operations and management. By-Laws specify the qualifications, rights, and responsibilities of members and include the powers, duties, and grounds for the dissolution of the club and its board.
Dispute Resolution Policy
LSC places the highest priority on ensuring there is a safe, professional, inclusive and respectful environment for all participants and the General Dispute Reporting and Resolution Policy has been established to ensure such an environment. This Policy promotes awareness, fairness, equity, transparency, prevention and the appropriate timely response and resolution of reported violations to this Policy.